Course Plan

1st term

C.9 Algebra Expanding brackets. Factorising expressions. Constructing simple expressions. Solving linear equations. C.11 Indices & Standard form Squares and cubes. Indices and powers. Standard form. C.5 Numbers & sequences The rules of a sequence. The nth term of a sequence.

2nd term

C.22 Estimation & Accuracy Rounding. Decimal places. Significant figures. Upper and lower bounds. C.19 Ratio & proportion Symplifying ratios. The unitary method. Using ratios to find quantities . Dividing quantities in a given ratio. Compound measures. C.7 Time & money Calculating Times with the 24-hours and 12-hours clock. Money calculation. Currency conversions.

3rd term

C.27 Angles properties Regular polygons. Angle properties of circles. C.13 Symmetry Line symmetry. Rotational symmetry. Special shapes and their symmetries.